Greyson is 4 weeks old today!! I can't believe it! On Monday he weighed 8lbs
13oz, exactly one pound more than his birth weight. His eyes are starting to turn brown and what little hair he has is still dark. His hair sometimes has shades of blonde in different lights, so only time will tell what color it ends up being. I know in some of these pictures it looks red but it is totally my camera being weird and not his hair! :) Here are some updated pictures of him this week:
Scott had his last day of school on May 27 and Tyler's last day is tomorrow. They have both had a fabulous year in school and accomplished a lot of amazing things! Tyler published several books that he is very proud of and this is a picture of him reading them to Scott!
For a fun surprise, the boys took off to Florida for a few days to see the
Gamecocks play in the Citrus Bowl in Orlando!
On the way down, they stopped nea...
Mama knows best...Grayson is really looking like Scott these days! I didn't see it as much the other week but those pictures look like a little Scott! What a doll!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
Greyson is growing up so fast! He is so precious~
It is going to be a fun summer for all of my sweet boys!
Greyson is so adorable!! I can't wait to hold him in two weeks. Thanks for posting...we love you!
He is precious and you look great, too. Hope life with three is going well!
I love those Hardy boys!
Greyson is getting so big already. It is so hard to believe that 4 weeks have flown by already. Enjoy your precious little man. Tyler and Scott should be so proud of themselves for finishing an amazing year of school for both. Congratulations to all!
I think he looks like Scott too!What a little sweetie pie! Hope you are doing well with being a mom to 3 little boys! You look great! I love all the cute pictures of all the boys!
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